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Rentech Boilers
Water Tube / Waste Heat / HRSG Boilers 

Founded in 1996, Rentech has grown to be an industry leader for industrial water tube and waste heat recovery boiler technology through its innovation, quality, and reliability.  Rentech has designed and supplied more than 1,000 industrial  and CHP (HRSG)  Boilers worldwide since 1949 for use in all different industries such as Refining/Petrochemical, Chemical, Pulp & Paper, Universities, Hospitals, Food, Automotive, Utilities, and Pharmaceutical. 
Rentech has over 25 staff engineers that perform all thermal design, boiler circulation design, structural design, and pipe stress analysis to create packaged and custom engineered solutions to meet the customer’s operating and budgetary needs with steam solutions up to 500,000 lb/hr, 1800 psig and 1,000°F with a 5 yr warranty on front and rear membrane walls.


Rentech is the industry leader in custom engineered HRSG for gas turbines up to 40MW and waste Heat Boilers with multiple configurations (Water Tube, Single Pass, Multi-pass and Process) to most efficiently capture the waste heat.


Rentech offers shop assembled, modular, and field erected boilers 

Johnston Boilers
Fire Tube & Waste Heat Boilers / Deaerators / Blowoff Tanks

Since 1864, Johnston has been pioneering innovation in fire-tube boilers and introduced the first water backed boiler over 100 years ago from their Michigan facility.

Johnston provides a 15 yr warranty on it's boilers and 1o yr on Deaerators

Johnston offers 3 pass or 4 pass hot water or steam boilers from 50 to 2500 hp, Waste Heat Boilers, Deaerators, Condensate Return and Blowoff tanks 

Boiler Burners, Duct Burners, BMS & Combustion Controls

Advanced combustion solutions for Power, Paper, Refining, Petrochem, LNG, Biogas and Pharmaceutical Industries.  

ZEECO manufactures and custom engineers low and ultra-Low NOx power burners, duct burners and burner management/combustion control systems.

ZEECO utilizes CFD and physical modeling to simulate specific process conditions against actual equipment design to deliver low emissions solutions with or without FGR and warranties that result.

ZEECO operates the largest ISO certified industrial scale combustion test facility in Oklahoma.

Their product portfolio also includes Flares, Flame Scanners and After-Market 

Precision Boiler
Electric Steam & Hot Water Boilers / Deaerators / Blowdown

Founded in 1946. Precision Boiler is the leading supplier of "Green" boiler technology with its offering of electrical resistance and electrode Boilers that operate at 99.5% efficiency.

Electric Boilers do not require vents, ductwork or stacks, have no emissions, 100:1 turndown and have ultra fast startup to full load.

Electric Resistance Boilers have capacities up to 10,000 lb/hr and 300psi for steam and up to 1840 gpm of Hot water service

Our Electric Electrode Boilers have capacities up 167,000 lb/hr and 400psi on 13200KV circuits

Power Plant Services

Steam / Gas Turbine Inspection, Maintenance and Repair

New and Reconditioned Turbine Parts for major OEM Turbine Manufactures, General Electric, Westinghouse, Alstom, DeLeval, Elliott, Dresser-Rand plus others.

Custom steam turbine packing rings,  Labyrinth Seals, Oil Seals, Oil Deflectors, Diffuser Rings, Spill Strips, Gland Seals, J-Strips, Springs / Pins / Keys / Screws / Nuts / Bolts / Washers, Valve Parts,

Reverse Engineering Services with over 5000 new parts/ year

Field & Shop Machining Services: Balancing Machines, Lathe, Horizontal Mills and boring, CNC and welding for Valves, Steam Turbines, Buckets and Blades, Boiler Feed Pump, and Generators

Atlas Manufacturing Company
316b complainant Traveling Water Screens

New & Rebuilt Traveling Water Screens (316b compliant, Thru flow and Dual flow), Trash Rakes and water intake design services.

Large warehouse parts inventory for U.S. Filter, Rex, FMC, SSI & all OEM TWS’s.

Atlas offers new 316-B federal fish handling modifications with complete field & shop rebuilding services

E-Tech Heat Recovery
Economizers, Air & Process Heaters, Waste Heat Recovery

Design, Engineering and Consulting for Heat Recovery Systems with Boilers, Economizers, Condensing Economizers , Air Heaters and PreHeaters 

Designing Waste Heat recovery solutions since 1976

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Clarage Fans (a division of Twin City Fans)
Heavy Duty Fans and Dust Collectors

Clarage specializes in designing and manufacturing custom heavy-duty fans, axial fans and dust collectors

Our Field Services include: Inspection, Commissioning, Vibration Analysis, Balancing/Laser Alignment, Sound testing, Motor Alignment & Troubleshooting

Application include: Boilers, Cement Kilns, Pelletizing, BioMass, Dust Collection, Ventilation, Wind Tunnels, Flue gas Recirculation, Incineration, Scrubbers, SCR Systems, Thermal Oxidation and Exhaust extraction

Fan systems include Centrifugal Fans (airfoil, Backward Curved, Backward inclined, Radial (Blade, Tip and modified), Axial and Tunnel Ventilation Fans

Industries Served include: Power, PetroChemical, Metals/Steel, Glass, Chemical, Pulp/Paper, Cement, Coke, Foundry, Ethanol and Manufacturing

Wet Cooling Tower Systems and Service

EvapTech is a premier cooling tower designer, manufacturer and contractor providing Innovative Cooling Solutions for the Power Generation and Industrial  cooling markets.  Evaptech offers new and replacement field erected cooling towers and after market service including visual / detailed inspections, supply of all cooling parts (gearboxes, motors, fans, driveshfts, fill media, drift eliminators, wood and FRP structure material) and supervision for maintenance / rebuild.

EvapTech has the experience and Know-How to select the proper combination of proprietary and generic parts, components and materials and formulate them into an Integrated Engineered Solution not only to meet your cooling equipment needs, but also to optimize your overall system:

  • Thermal Upgrades

  • Tower Expansions and Replacements

  • Repair Services

  • Scheduled Maintenance Services

  • Replacement Parts for all manufactures & models

  • OEM Component Upgrades

  • Inspection Services

  • Spare Parts

  • Turn-Key Project Execution

  • On-Line Repairs, Upgrades, and Replacements

Wigen Treatment Solutions
>4000 installed Power & Industrial water treatment systems

A global leader in water and waste water treatment processes. Systems include: ion exchange, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, micro and nanofiltration, membrane degasification, De-Ion Exchange, Softeners, dealkalizers, multi-media filters, condensate polishers, Activated Carbon, Bioreactors, Desalination and UltraVoilet systems

Segements served include: Power, Industrial, Food & Beverage, Wastewater/Municipal

Munroe Inc
Founded in 1835

Superior fabricated components for BOF/EAF hoods, Boiler Waterwall Panels, Superheaters, Heat Exchanger, Economizer Elements, Reheats, Boiler Headers, with specialty in precision, ultra-tight radius bend Boiler Tubing & all OEM Boiler Pressure Components. including Weld Overlay Applications

Munroe’s retains ASME Code Certifications “S” “H” “PP” and “U” Code Symbols and Pressure Vessel Inspectors “R” Symbol on repair/alteration

Alfa Laval
Plate, Spiral, Air Cooled Heat Exchangers & Oil Lube Coolers

Since 1883, Alfa Laval is a world leader within the key technology areas of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling though key products – heat exchangers, separators, pumps and valves.  Alfa Laval holds more than 2500 patents

Established industry leader for over 50 years

Specializing in design and manufacture of heavy-duty utility and industrial dampers and expansion joints for use in flue gas and process air handling systems. Damper Design up to 1800 DegF & Expansion Joints up to 2100 DegF

Damper: Guillotine/Slide Gate, Louver, Diverter, Stack Isolation, Butterfly/Wafer, Poppet, Radial Vane.

Expansion Joints: Non-Metallic Expansion Joints, Elastomeric, Fluoroplastic, Composites and Fabric

Curtiss Wright
Heat Exchanger Repairs and Process Piping Hydro Testing

Curtiss-Wright EST Group specializes in the development, manufacturing and marketing of highly-engineered products and repair services for shell and tube heat exchangers, condensers, coolers and chillers. Our best known product, the Pop-A-Plug® Tube Plugging System, is the industry’s leading technology for plugging leaking and degraded heat exchanger tubes. EST Group also engineers and manufactures pressure testing and isolation plugs to greatly simplify and speed-up pressure testing and/or isolation of piping, tubing, valves, pressure vessels and a multitude of special applications.

See more at:

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Power House Technologies
Aftermarket parts for Solid Fuel and Ash Systems

Servicing the industrial power plants, municipal utilities, co-generators, waste-to-energy plants, pulp and paper mills, grain processor
plants. Offering Circulating Fluid Bed parts from (Alstom, B&W, CPC, Combustion Power, Foster Wheeler, Tampella, and others)

Stoker / Conveyor Parts from (B&W, Sherman Hoffman, Epoch, FMC, Linkbelt, United Conveyor, Combustion Engineering, Detroit
Stoker, GE, Hoffman, Riley, Westinghouse, Zurn and others

Traveling Grates, Spreaders, Chains, Clinker Grinders, Nozzles, Classifier Screens, Dust Collectors, Tuyeres, Vortex Finders, Hangers

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